GPA’s PTSC (Parent Teacher Student Connection) enhances and supports the educational experience at our school to develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parent involvement. PTSC aims to improve the environment at our school through volunteer and financial support.
- Before- and after-school supervision
- Open House
- Book Fair
- Sporting events
- Varsity athletics
- Library
- Parent Preparatory Academy
- Parenting classes
- Chaperone school dances
- Eagle Cafe
- Making phone calls
- Preparing correspondence for mail out
To be a parent volunteer for more than one day on campus, please inquire at the Welcome Center. You will need to complete the following:
1. Parent Volunteer Application
2. Parent and Student Interaction Policy
3. A copy of negative TB test completed within 60 days of beginning your volunteer service
Feel free to contact the GPA Welcome Center with any additional questions or concerns.
PTSC Executive Board Positions
Presides at PTSC Executive and General meetings, serves as official representative of PTSC, retains all official records of PTSC in PTSC school office.
Vice President
Oversees the committee system of the PTSC; assists the President, Chairs meetings in the absence of the president. Follows best practices as set by the President.
Recording Secretary
Record and distribute minutes of all Executive Board and General meetings; prepares agendas for all meetings; holds historical records for PTSC; keeps copy of current bylaws, rules, membership lists, and any necessary supplies and brings them to meetings.
Receives all funds for the organization. Deposits funds with GPA finance office. Keeps record of receipts and expenditures. Assist GPA finance office with paperwork for payout of funds. Presents current financial statements at Board meetings and makes a full report at the end of the year.
Middle School Parent Representative
Communicates with GPA grade level leads to ensure open and supportive relationships.
High School Parent Representative
Communicates with GPA grade level leads to ensure open and supportive relationships.