Gompers Preparatory Academy Musical Production class puts on their annual holiday show – Holiday Wishes See the full 30 minute show in the link below. GPA Magic Holiday Wishes
‘Tis the Season at GPA!

The holiday season is finally here! GPA will be having early dismissal (12:45pm) on Friday, December 15th, and Winter Break will be from December 16th through January 8th. School will resume on Tuesday, January 9th. Please note there will be Winter Programming taking place on campus during intersession. Below are the details: 6th Grade Math Enrichment: Dec. 18–22 from 9:00am...
Parent Prep Academy for December

Hello GPA Parents! We invite you to attend the December sessions of Parent Preparatory Academy! Immigration Attorney Amie Scully and School Psychologist Kevin Scully from the “Students Without Limits” Organization will be presenting on the latest changes to immigration and options available to undocumented youth and families, including college and...
It’s That Time of Year… GPA Magic Holiday Wishes is Here!

Ready for the Holiday Cheer? Well GPA Magic Holiday Wishes is here! Come out and enjoy this special Holiday performance on either Friday, Dec. 8th at 7:00pm or on Friday, Dec. 15th at 7:00pm in the GPA Auditorium! Tickets are on sale now at the Eagle Store and will...
Parent Prep Academy for November

Hello GPA Parents! We invite you to attend the November sessions of Parent Preparatory Academy! For this month’s session, you will learn how you can calculate your student’s grades as we will be covering GPA’s grading policies. Please join us either November 15th (Wednesday) from 5:30pm-6:30pm or November 17th (Friday) from 7:30am-8:30am. We hope to see you there!
Veterans Day 2017

GPA observes Veterans Day to honor all the men and women who have fought courageously for our country. In honor of Veterans Day, GPA will be having no school on Friday, November 10th.
Quarter Finals and Parent-Teacher Conferences Begin!

Parent-Teacher Conferences Parent-Teacher Conferences begin next week, starting Monday, October 23rd through Friday, October 27th. Please take note that dismissal will be at 12:45pm for the entire week. Looking forward to seeing you there! Quarter Finals Week Quarter 1 finals are taking place October 24th through October 27th at GPA! Finals will be taken...
MAP Testing, Here We Come!

Our first round of MAP Testing is taking place this week! MAP – Measures of Academic Progress – is norm referenced, computer adaptive achievement tests in Mathematics, Reading and Science. Our GPA students will be taking this assessment twice this year to measure growth. Fall Administration Testing Schedule (October...