Archive for category: GPA News

Quarter 1 Finals

Quarter Finals Week Quarter 1 finals are taking place starting Tuesday, Oct. 12 through Friday, Oct. 15. Finals will be taken in all courses according to the schedule below. Every student should be actively studying daily until the day of their final. Quarter finals week is an important week at GPA. Please make...

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Uniform Update

August 10, 2021 Dear Parents/Guardians of GPA, Some families may be experiencing difficulties in acquiring the GPA uniform for Monday through Thursday (White Oxford shirt with embroidered GPA logo). As a result, GPA will provide students with a grace period for Monday–Thursday uniforms. For the first day of school, and...

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First Day of School

GPA Families, The first day of "in-person" school will be on Monday, August 16, 2021 and will be a minimum day schedule. (7:30am – 12:45pm). It will be an “A-Day.” Our Tuesday-Friday schedule for students is 7:30am – 3:00pm. Face coverings will be required for all staff and students....

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