Archive for category: GPA News

Picture Day

GPA Parents and Guardians, On Tuesday, Dec. 14 or Wednesday, Dec. 15, your student will be taking a school portrait. Your student will be photographed in their Monday–Thursday school uniform. Please refer to the email that was sent for important instructions. If you have any questions, please call the Welcome Center at...

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Fall Break

Gompers Prep is thankful for every single one of its Eagles. To observe the Thanksgiving holiday, GPA will be having no school from Monday, Nov. 22nd through Friday, Nov. 26th. Please also note this Friday, Nov. 19th will be a minimum day (12:45 dismissal). Classes will resume on Monday, Nov. 29th. Have...

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Parent Letter

Dear GPA Parent/Guardian, Thank you for choosing Gomper Preparatory Academy. We know what a hard year this has been during the pandemic. Thank you for your continued partnership in our charter school. If there is anything you need, please reach out to the school and our Leadership team, our...

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