Archive for category: GPA News

Picture Retake Day

Greetings GPA Families, Picture Retake Day is scheduled for Thursday, January 20th, 2022. If your child was absent for Picture Day, they will have the opportunity to be photographed on Thursday, January 20th.  All students are required to be in their formal Monday-Thursday school uniform and adhere to the...

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Student Support Week

GPA Parents/Students: As a reminder, next week’s school schedule is different.  Monday, Jan. 10th will be an in-person minimum day. Hours: 7:30AM - 12:45PM as normally scheduled. Tuesday, Jan. 11th - Friday, Jan. 14th, students will be off campus. Students will NOT come to campus Tuesday, Jan. 11th through...

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Happy Holidays!

The holiday season is finally here! GPA will be having 12:45pm dismissal on Friday, December 17, 2021. Due to Winter Break, there will be no school from December 20, 2021 through January 3, 2022. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 4, 2022, which will be an A-Day. Have a warm, joyful Winter Break, Eagles!

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