AB 104
AB 104 is a new law targeted to help students who struggled during the last school year due to the pandemic. For a limited time period it allows high school students to request a grade change on their transcript to Pass/No Pass.
How do I request Pass/No Pass grade on my child‘s transcript?
Any student who was enrolled in high school during the 2020-21 school year is eligible to have their letter grade changed. Families who would like to change a grade to Pass/No Pass can do so by filling out the Grade Change Request Form. Your request must be submitted no later than August 20, 2021.
This option is only available for grades received during the 2020-21 school year.
Will colleges and universities accept Pass/No Pass on transcripts?
California State University (CSU) system and University of California (UC) will accept transcripts with Pass/No Pass grades to determine admission for any student that was enrolled in high school in the 2020-21 school year. A list of private, independent universities that have agreed to accept transcripts with Pass or No Pass grades for admissions is available on the California Department of Education’s website.
What about financial aid?
AB 104 specifically states that a grade change cannot result in a student losing eligibility for California state student financial aid. For private, independent universities, including those in other states, policies will vary from school to school, and should be verified directly with each individual school.
Consultations on retaking a grade level occur between a parent, a school administrator, and a teacher. Schools will make the final determination on whether to keep a student in their current grade level or not. Consultations include a discussion of all available learning recovery options, including the ability for the child to recover credits, consideration of the student’s academic performance, academic and social-emotional supports, and any other information relevant to whether retaking a grade level is in the student’s best interest.