GPA Family,
On June 17, 2021, history was made when President Joe Biden signed a bill recognizing Juneteenth National Independence Day on June 19th, as a federal holiday to commemorate the approximate day news was brought to the South that informed enslaved African Americans of their emancipation (more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation declared their freedom).
GPA’s mission and vision was built with equity, inclusion, and anti-racism at heart. We must continue to recognize that systemic and structural changes are still needed to realize the freedom Juneteenth commemorates.
GPA is committed to continue teaching the truth of our nation’s history and teach future generations to critically examine the historical significance of African Americans and their contributions to our nation.
In Celebration and Honor of Juneteenth, GPA will be CLOSED on Monday, June 21st.
GPA encourages all of us to take time this weekend to reflect and honor the generations of African Americans who were forced into free labor, built many of the structures we still rely on, and were never compensated for their sacrifices. We must commit to promoting and acknowledging the inextricable connection between African American contributions to our nation’s history and its future.
Quarter Finals will be SHIFTED to the following schedule.

**Please note there will not be a Student Support Wednesday.
Students only attend the class in which they have a final exam each day.